Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well, things have a funny way of turning around. I went surfing today! ... More or less. I got up, but Ikaika (my brother-in-law) called my longboard a "moving sidewalk." That's pretty much what it was. Getting up on a longboard isn't hard. Paddling to get past the surf is, if you're not used to it. Maybe if I was remotely in shape it would have been easier, but I'm not at all right now. I've decided I'm going to start working out again. Here's a picture:

Also, as I was getting this picture off my sister's camera I found these other ones. I thought they should be shared with the world.

Look at this girl! She wasn't posing. She was just excited to see the show.

This is a picture of my nephew from Rachel's camera. Notice the green grass. That means this picture was taken almost a year ago and it's still on her camera. Oh well. I thought this was a nice one of the boy. There's so few pictures where he actually looks presentable.

1 comment:

This Wacky Momma Reads said...

Ah yes, the boy presentable in pictures is hard to come by - trust his mother! I personally love the surf shot - yeah for getting to a standing position at your age!